Content coordinator

Jorge Rodríguez Morata

Coordinator and in charge of working on the contents and pedagogical approach of the same in the Iberian Sinfonietta programming. His curricular career makes him the ideal person to contribute to the Community Concerts both his knowledge and his way of exposing it to our audience.

Born in Granada, he completed his University and Musical studies at the University of Granada and at the Victoria Eugenia Superior Conservatory of Granada, both in Art History-Musicology and Piano, although he complemented them with numerous orchestra conducting courses at the Superior Conservatory. of Málaga Music, as well as in choral conducting courses.

His work as a choir director began in 1992, assuming direction of the Polymnia Chamber Choir, a group of friends from the Padre Manjón Institute in Granada who decided to begin a journey in the field of Renaissance music. With this group and with the Danserye they will record “La Música en la Corte de Carlos V”. He will direct the Granada City Choir for 10 years, the UGR Choir for 7, and many more musical and orchestral groups. He will also belong to the Schola Gregoriana Hispana for 26 years. Currently, he directs the Chamber Choir of Granada, the Choir of the Pablo de Olavide University of Seville and the Choir of the Artistic, Scientific and Literary Center of Granada.

As a guest conductor, he has extensive experience, including the UGR Orchestra, the Manuel de Falla Orchestra of Cádiz, the Scoth College Symphony Orchestra of Australia and the National Orchestra and Choir of Moldova (participating in several concerts with a tour around to Mozart, Borodin and Beethoven who performed these formations), the Choir of the University of Córdoba “Averroes”, the Choir of the University of Huelva, the Chorale Ciudad de Almería, the Chorale Alminares de Nerja, the Chorale Santa María de la Victoria of Malaga, the “Sine Nomine” Choir of Guadix, the Tomás Luis Choir of Victoria, the Choir and Orchestra of the Granada Lyric Company, the City of Almería Orchestra, the Mancha Real Band, the Ciudad Pulse and Púa Orchestra from Granada, etc.

As principal conductor, he has extensive experience directing the Granada Chamber Choir, “Polymnia” Chamber Choir, “Músicas Antiguas Sirkedjè”, the Renaissance Music Ensemble “Clamores Antiqui”, “Coro Canticum Novum”, “La ciudad sin rushes, Contemporary Ensemble”, the Symphonic band “Trinidad Sinfónica” of the Málaga Brotherhood of “El Cautivo”, “Veterum Musicae”, “Once upon a time Ensemble, Didactic Concerts” etc.

His predisposition to commission and create has led him to premiere numerous works, such as the Cantata “Mother Earth” (Nieves Muriel/Roberto Pineda Tenor), the “Suite del Perro Cojo” (Manuel Benítez Carrasco/Juan José Lupión Casas), the “ Melodrama for Cervantes” (Cervantes/Juan Cruz-Guevara), “25th Anniversary of Los Planetas” (J de Planetas/ David Montañés). “Tettix” (José López Montes), “El Anhelo celeste” by David Montañés and “The Alchemical Weddings” by the same author.

He has performed numerous concerts with classical repertoires, with works by Allegri, Mozart, Victoria, Schubert to very original repertoires, with very successful staging such as “Los Cielos Cabizbajos” a work by Jesús Arias, with arrangements by David Montañés and the collaboration of Estrella Morente and Lizard Nick. He was also the Director of the Opera Choir of the UGR production, Donizetti's Elixir de amor, together with the UGR Orchestra and the vocal direction of Mariola Cantarero. He has also participated in numerous musical exchanges, including the Romanistik Choir of Munich, the Orchestra of St. Michael College of Sydney and the Chamber Choir of Blinn College of Texas.

Among his albums it is worth highlighting:

  • Sacred and secular music at the Court of Charles V, with the “Polymnia” Chamber Choir together with the “La Danserye” Early Music Ensemble, in 2001.
  • Isabel I of Castile, the Catholic Queen, with the “Ciudad de Granada” Choir and edited by the Archbishopric of Valladolid in 2002, with the special collaboration of medieval instrumentalists and the Ensemble La Danserye.
  • Codex Calixtinus, s. XII. Farsa Oficcii Missse S. Iacobi, Xunta de Galicia. Galician Institute of Performing Arts and Music. 2003.
  • Liturgical Music in the Time of Isabel La Católica, published by the University of Granada in 2004, with the City of Granada Choir, the Schola Gregoriana Hispana, Ensemble La Danserye and the Choir of the University of Granada “Manuel de Falla”.
  • Sacred Music in Cádiz in times of the Enlightenment, published by the University of Cádiz in 2007, CD that accompanies the book of the same name, a study carried out by D. Marcelino Díez, distinguished musicologist, on the music of the 18th century found in the archives of the Cathedral of Cádiz. This CD features several soloists, the Granada City Choir and the “Manuel de Falla” Orchestra of Cádiz.
  • Claustrophony. Ars Sonora Medioevo”, with the Schola Gregoriana Hispana. Junta of Andalusia. Ministry of Culture. 2007
  • Gregorian Chant Vol. I and II. Essential and Popular, with the Schola Gregoriana Hispana, in 2010.
  • Ferdinand the Catholic (1452-1516), music of his time. Manuel de Falla Choir of the UGR, Schola Gregoriana Hispana. IBS. 2017
  • “Los Cielos Cabezbajos” Lagartija Nick and Granada Chamber Choir. 2019

He has been a music teacher, institute director and since 2008 he has been an education inspector, specialized in Artistic Education, as well as a provincial speaker for the subject of Performing Arts. Since 2016, he has been the musical specialist for Cadena SER of Granada and “Hoy por hoy”. Contributor to the Granada Hoy newspaper with its “Talking about Music” section. He is a collaborating professor at the University of Jaén of the Master of Secondary Education and a collaborator at the Pablo de Olavide University in Seville. He has created and directed the “International Music Festival in the Casitillos de Jáen” for the Diputación de Jáen specialized in medieval music. He is the director of the Festikids Festival, of the Granada Early Music Festival, in which he brings early music closer to the Educational Centers and schools of Granada and the Province and creator of the Musical Interpretation Award of the Granada Early Music Festival. He is the pedagogical coordinator of the Malaga orchestra Iberian Sinfonietta within the stable programming of this orchestra at the Peace Palace in Fuengirola since 2019.

Currently, he is focused on several projects around Lorca, Benítez Carrasco, born in 1922, and music around Antonio de Nebrija, who died in 1522.