Next Saturday, May 21 at 7:00 p.m. at the Peace Palace in Fuengirola , the Iberian Sinfonietta orchestra, under the command of its chief conductor Juan Paulo Gómez , will close the Community Concerts 21-22 with a program that will be dedicated to the music composed in the second half of the 18th century by three of the most relevant composers of musical Classicism.
Under the title "La Europa galante", the concert program will consist of two symphonies and a concert for soloists. Curiously, these three works, which differ by seven years between each of them, clearly show an evolution of musical forms and harmonic resources, giving them a quite contrasting personality despite the fact that they were conceived between 1764 and 1778. that is, within what would be called "gallant music", a style that reached its maximum expression during the third quarter of the aforementioned century.
The concert will open with a work by the German composer Johann Christian Bach (1735-1782), specifically, with his Symphony No. 1 in G major, Op. 6 composed in London in 1764, a time in which he taught for a brief period of time. time to a young Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) who was only eight years old.
The second work of the concert will be Symphony No. 44 in E minor, Hob. I:44 "Funeral" of the known as "father of the symphony", the Austrian composer Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809). This work, composed between 1771 and 1772 (the exact date is not known) shows Haydn in the central stage of his life and highly influenced by the "Sturm und Drang" style. The symphony is immersed in a dark key (E minor) with some very expressive passages and others of great depth, which led someone to call it "funereal" at the end of the 18th century.
The concert will end with a work for orchestra, flute and harp, with exquisite layout and sweetness, composed by a young Mozart at the age of 22, a time when he was touring the different French courts. The Concerto for Flute and Harp in C Major, KV. 299, commissioned by Duke Adrien-Louis de Bonnières to be performed by him on the flute and his daughter who played the harp, curiously it was never paid to the young composer from Salzburg. On this occasion, the soloists will be the flutist Pedro Girba Vidal and the harpist Juan Ramón Hernández Leiva , thus culminating a season of concerts whose acceptance by the public is becoming more noticeable every day.
Like all the concerts belonging to the Community Concerts cycle and in accordance with the philanthropic ideal of Iberian Sinfonietta with respect to the community, which has the commitment and support of the Fuengirola City Council , these are free to the public, with access being controlled until covering the permitted capacity.