Dear public,
Saturday is approaching and a new appointment with Iberian Sinfonietta will be at 7:00 p.m. at the Peace Palace in Fuengirola , with free entry until capacity is reached.
The repertoire, as we have been commenting in previous entries, will be composed of works by Mozart , Janáceck and Shostakovich , with a very special perspective, since they will be formally very “futuristic” works like Mozart's, and on the other hand very “classical” like those of Janaceck and Shostakovich, who choose baroque forms such as the Suite or the Concerto. Specifically, the work of Shostakovich, one of the most musically influential personalities of the entire last century, is his impressive Concerto No. 1 for piano, trumpet and string orchestra . If a few days ago, we knew a little more about the trumpeter who will perform this concert, today we bring you an interview with the pan player, Roberto Rúmenov Illiev , who will be the artist who will perform next Saturday. This “duel” between piano and trumpet that this Shostakovich Concerto will provide us with, and in which the Iberian Sinfonietta and its director Juan Paulo Gómez will act as objective “judge”, since they will not opt for any of the artists, will be another of the great attractions of the evening. Shostakovich, who in addition to being a composer was an excellent pianist, dedicated to the trumpet in this Concert some passages in which it competes with his favorite instrument, the piano, the heart and pen of the composer is torn between giving one instrument and another greater prominence. and tries to create an agile dialogue, full of nuances and reliefs that the Maestro's baton will try to highlight. If we add to this the mastery of the trumpeter Alejandro Gómez Hurtado and the idyllic moment in which Roberto Rúmenov Illiev is with the piano, as demonstrated by his First Prize in the Higher Grade Category of the Intercentros Melómano 2020 Contest , we can say that the end of the Next Saturday's concert will be very very special.

Below are our questions to pianist Roberto Rúmenov Illiev .
How do you feel after this important award (Intercentros)?
I feel very blessed and grateful for the opportunity that comes with having earned it. I am really enjoying the beginning of the tour, meeting and collaborating with new people, adapting to the intense rhythm of the concerts and trying to combine it with my studies at the conservatory. It's a new experience for me and I'll try to make the most of it!
Can you describe your experience in this Contest?
It may sound a bit banal, but for me it was a unique contest. I think that both the organization, the setting, the people (both contestants and jury) as well as the moment in which it was held was what made it unique. We have to keep in mind that this contest appeared in the middle of the pandemic, in uncertain times, times of desperation and fear. It had been more than a year since I had traveled outside of Madrid. It was already a long-awaited event, but on top of that I fell in love with all the diversity of instruments and opportunities that this contest offers. Added to all this, it is the first time that I enter the world of concert pianists, which has been my dream since I was very little. That is why I consider it to be a contest that will always remain a very special event.
Your opinion on this Shostakovich concert
It will be a challenge for me to face a work like this. I feel that it is not a concert that is usually studied a lot during the years of higher study. However, I consider it to be a very good way to make Shostakovich's work known and to enrich my knowledge about the author.
How do you face the challenge with Iberian Sinfonietta?
With great enthusiasm, I am always open to learning new works and even more so if it involves meeting new musicians. It motivates me much more to know that it is a project that includes more people.
What is your opinion of the Iberian Sinfonietta project?
I have never had the pleasure of working with Iberian Sinfonieta, so I am very excited. I would like to approach the project in the best possible way and I look forward to working with them!
Future projects
Future projects: As for contests, I plan to do several this year. The closest will be the CIPCE, which will be held on November 15 in Las Rozas. Then I would like to submit to the Jaén Prize in April and the Juventudes de España in June. As for concerts, I am focusing on those I have in the near future such as the Cádiz Festival (November 13) and of course the Iberian Sinfonietta (November 27).

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