This morning, the official presentation of the new concert season that Iberian Sinfonietta has been developing at the Peace Palace since 2020 took place at the Fuengirola City Hall. Rodrigo Romero Morales , Councilor for Culture, was present at the event. , and Juan Paulo Gómez , musical and artistic director of the orchestra.
With the title Community Concerts , this cycle of five concerts that takes place in the months of September, November, January, March and May, continues with the spirit of solidarity and philanthropy with which it originated, its main objective being to offer the community a classical music programming of quality and variety, giving the opportunity to young performers and composers, with outstanding projection in the current national scene, to play as soloists with an orchestra and premiere their works for this group before the public.
In this new season, the collaboration that Iberian Sinfonietta maintains with other institutions will continue to be present, including in its concerts, as a soloist, the winner of the First Prize of the Higher Grade Category of the Intercentros Melómano 2021 Contest , the guitarist Stoyan Paskov , to the winner of the special "Iberian Sinfonietta" Prize of the 3rd "Ciudad de Estepona" Young Performers Competition , the pianist Carla Román Vázquez , as well as the premiere of the winning work of the first edition of the "Ramón Roldán" Composition Competition that the orchestra organizes together with the Association of Composers and Performers of Malaga (ACIM) , Dimensiones , by the young composer Sergio Pastor . As a novelty, starting this season, it is worth highlighting the collaboration agreement that Iberian Sinfonietta has recently signed with the publisher and cultural project manager Miotta e Molière , which, among other agreements, will enable the edition and publication of the winning work of each edition of this composition contest.
In addition to giving an opportunity to our young talents, the orchestra will also have performers and composers with renowned musical careers in its season, such as the Hermanos Vicente Téllez Piano Duo or the premiere of the works Fantasía for two pianos and orchestra, Op. 36 and Dance for String Orchestra , by composers José Iglesias and Juan Manuel Cisneros , respectively.
As is traditional in the concert format offered in the Community Concerts , each of them will be presented and commented by the pedagogical coordinator of the orchestra, the director and musicologist Jorge Rodríguez Morata , who in addition to showing the musical content of each of programs, will conduct on-site interviews with the performers and composers who are the protagonists of each of them.
The first of the concerts in the series, titled "Premio Ramón Roldán", will take place next Saturday, September 17 at 7:00 p.m. at the Peace Palace . Like all the concerts in the cycle, in accordance with the philanthropic ideal of Iberian Sinfonietta and thanks to the commitment and support of the Fuengirola City Council , they are free to the public, with access controlled until the permitted capacity is reached. You can check HERE the program for this concert.
Likewise, you can consult the complete season schedule by clicking HERE .