Dear public,
Next Saturday, September 17 at 7:00 p.m. we begin a new musical journey at the Peace Palace in Fuengirola . It will be one more course, and there are already several, in which Iberian Sinfonietta , with a classical concert format and with an exhibition of educational content, will once again enjoy disseminating classical music.
These are times of many musics, many styles and many fusions, and this makes it necessary for classical music to also have its own space. At Iberian Sinfonietta , we understand that the general public knows and enjoys many of the great works that our history has left us, but we understand that a search and emphasis on the Concerts being dynamic, commenting on musical or historical aspects, has a lot to offer. interest. Interest because works that are not usually scheduled are presented, interest because it is shown that a classical music concert, as it is, can become a great option for the Saturday afternoon of every odd month of the year and, of course, interest because it delves into culture and makes visible the work of so many people and artists who seek to transmit and make our musical heritage vibrate to the general public.
In that sense, Iberian Sinfonietta has taken another step, and as an example we have the number of works that are premiered each year. And of course, he who sows, reaps. And this year, in addition to continuing to sow, we began to reap fruits in the form of agreements, commitments or composition competitions, making Iberian Sinfonietta and its programming a meeting place with classical music and the most current composition. That is why, with the Concert next Saturday, we will begin the first concert of the season with an Absolute Premiere, Dimensiones , by the composer Sergio Pastor .

The Iberian Sinfonietta season opens with Dimensiones, what feeling does it provoke in you?
I am very happy that my work Dimensiones has been selected as the winner of the “I Ramón Roldán Composition Contest”. See how the work you have been doing for so many years, and especially the effort and hours dedicated to the composition of this work, is rewarded. Despite this, what I value most and what I really stay with is having the opportunity to have the premiere of my work performed by the Iberian Sinfonietta .
Tell us about Dimensions
Dimensions is a twelve-tone work where the motifs presented refer to the emotional dimensions of the human being. Both positive and negative emotions, and the willpower and insistence of each person to overcome problems and difficulties.
At what point in your career are you and where does this work arrive?
Currently, I am still studying Composition at the Higher Conservatory of Malaga, in addition to expanding my musical training by taking courses in film composition and virtual orchestration.
Despite the years of experience at a compositional level and directing bands in the brotherhood music scene, I still have a long way to go, a lot to learn and experiences to live in order to achieve the planned objectives and goals.
Can you tell us about your work with Juan Paulo on the work?
There has been a very close relationship with Juan Paulo from the first moment. I want to take advantage of these lines to thank you for your interest and professionalism, as well as your advice to get the most out of this work for the day of its premiere.
Future projects
Currently, I am immersed in several musical projects, both at the orchestral and band level, and that will see the light of day in the coming months.
Furthermore, I have many concerns and projects in mind, focused above all on orchestral composition, with the idea that in the future my music will be part of the audiovisual field.
Are you attending the premiere? Something that remains in our minds...
Of course. I am very excited and looking forward to hearing Dimensiones by the Iberian Sinfonietta .
Jorge Rodríguez Morata
Pedagogical content coordinator