Dear audience:
Our last appointment before the summer period is approaching, it will be next Saturday, May 20, as always, at the Peace Palace in Fuengirola at 7:00 p.m. And if we say where it always is because Iberian Sinfonietta has established itself as a stable project, something that helps to consolidate a cultural project in an essential way. Stability in programming, time, place, are issues that may seem automatic but obey the scrupulous criteria of public institutions and their managers, always attentive to how the projects in which they are involved are developed. For all this, we believe that it is important to know the music that is performed, the composers, through this blog. Also to the performers themselves through our section “Getting to know Iberian Sinfonietta”. Today, however, we will expand our view to the field of management, meeting one of the essential people since the beginning of Iberian Sinfonietta in the birth, growth and consolidation of this project. We spoke with the Councilor for Culture of the Fuengirola City Council, our appreciated Rodrigo Romero Morales , to whom we thank him for his complicity and closeness with this cultural project.

Mr. Councilor, what is your relationship with Iberian Sinfonietta?
Iberian Sinfonietta was presented in Fuengirola as a unique opportunity to bring classical music to all our neighbors, and to do it for free. It is an opportunity of those that rarely occur, because altruism is a rare bird, but one that has been consolidated as an incontestable reality within the broad cultural agenda of Fuengirola.
What is your assessment of how the project has developed and where it is currently?
As they say, "paper supports everything", and it is not easy for projects of these characteristics to withstand the fulfillment of such an ambitious initial proposal with as much solvency as Iberian Sinfionietta has done. That is why we must celebrate this very successful development, because it cannot be easy to achieve these objectives.
From your perspective as a culture councilor, what is your opinion about this type of projects for cities like Fuengirola?
They are fundamental projects for several factors: educational, because they make available to everyone, especially the youngest, great performances by great artists who, obviously, are not those that are usually heard on the radio; sentimental, because it is generating a relationship between the orchestra and its spectators that is not inconsiderable, or cultural, because it expands the niche that every public administration must dedicate to classical music.

What do you ask for 2023 in relation to Iberian Sinfonietta?
Let them continue as before... with that we can be more than satisfied!
What assessment do you make of the Peace Palace and the public attendance?
The evaluation is very positive... and we rarely do it based on the number of attendees, because that is where criteria such as dates, advertising, coincidence with other events, etc. come into play... but rather on how happy they are and, above all, because of how loyal they are to the project.
Could you tell us some of your favorite concerts or what you like most about what you've heard?
Maybe the one from La Europa Galante , but in any case I have to admit that I am an easy audience. When they play recognizable pieces I enjoy them a lot, but when I don't know them and they are a discovery, the pleasure I feel is completely different, and also very satisfying.
Something that remains in our minds...
Just thank you for the enormous work you do. In these complex times, where the offer is almost infinite and the public's attention is more divided than ever, the bet you make is worthy of praise. Thank you for having Fuengirola for your project!
We say goodbye to him, thanking him again for this commitment to which the Fuengirola City Council contributes so much.
Jorge Rodríguez Morata
Pedagogical content coordinator